Red Snow (2019)
Red Snow is a dramatic adventure that begins when Dylan, a Gwich'in soldier from the Canadian Arctic, is caught in an ambush in Panjwayi, Afghanistan. His capture and interrogation by a Taliban Commander releases a cache of memories connected to the love and death of his Inuit cousin, Asana, and binds him closer to a Pashtun family as they escape across treacherous landscapes and through a blizzard that becomes their key to survival.
Country: Canada
Directors: Marie Clements
Casts: Tantoo Cardinal as Grandmother Ruth, Mozhdah Jamalzadah as Khatira, Michelle Thrush as Big Fran, Samuel Marty as Dylan Nadazeau (Age 16), Link Baker as Sweetie, Steven Cree Molison as Mad Jack, Asivak Koostachin as Dylan Nadazeau, Kane Mahon as Ramiz, Miika Bryce Whiskeyjack as Asana, Anousha Alamian as Senior Taliban Commander, Elias Mehdawi as The Young Thief, Shafin Karim as Aman, Ishaan Vasdev as Tahir, Sadetlo Scott as Lily, Koen Meserah-Zdyb as Jojo, Reneltta Arluk as Auntie, Leela Gilday as Auntie #2