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Beauty Newbie (2024)

Beauty Newbie (2024)

29971  N/A   49:36   720p & 360p | February 19th, 2024 | Drama

Liu Prima Paspimol is a young girl who has been bullied her whole life because of her appearance. In an attempt to start fresh at university, she undergoes plastic surgery with the goal of looking like a regular student. However, the surgery turns out to be 'too successful', making her incredibly beautiful and drawing unwanted attention when all she wants is to blend in and avoid being bullied. Furthermore, some people begin to mock her for having too many surgical alterations to her face and call her names for having artificial beauty. Guy, the popular campus heartthrob who went to the same middle school as Prima and knows what she looked like before her cosmetic surgery, confronts her about it. He reveals that in middle school he had never held any contempt for Prima because of her looks, unlike many others.