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Killers (2014)

Killers (2014)

3607  6.4   2:17:58   720p & 480p | February 1st, 2014 | Crime, Thriller, Action, Drama

Mr. Nomura is an eerily handsome, sharply dressed, sociopathic serial killer who preys on the women of Tokyo. In Jakarta, a world-weary journalist named Bayu finds himself unexpectedly falling into vigilantism after brutally killing two sadistic robbers. When each posts videos of their violent sprees online, the pair find one another on the Internet and begin a toxic and competitive duel. While Bayu clings to the hope that he can resume a normal life, Nomura continues to spill blood without remorse. Killing, advises Nomura, is something everyone ought to consider.

Country: Japan
Casts: Kazuki Kitamura as Nomura Shuhei, Oka Antara as Bayu Aditya, Rin Takanashi as Hisae, Luna Maya as Dina Aditya, Ray Sahetapy as Dharma, Mei Kurokawa as Midori, Tara Basro as Dewi, Epy Kusnandar as Robert, Ersya Aurelia as Elly Aditya, Tensui Sakai as Souichi, Denden as Oyaji / Father at Jukai, Dimas Argoebie as Rizal, Steve Jean as Ahmad, Yuki Konoe as Yumi, Roy Marten as Ayah Dina, Lily Sp as Ibu Dina, Tristan as John, Firza Afero as Taxi Driver Robber, Cansirano as Taxi Robber, Anandita as TV Reporter, Motoki Fukami as Undercover Cop #1, Kosei Hattanda as Undercover Cop #2, Mio Kadoshima as Kaoru, Momoko as Sister of Nomura, Ryƻto , Nikolaus Samesada as Mamad the Enforcer, Habibie Alatas as Dharma's Bodyguard #1, Bastian as Dharma's Bodyguard #2, Maratuah as Dharma's Bodyguard #3, Ajoy Ardi as Dharma's Bodyguard #4, Deden as Dharma's Bodyguard #5, Eka as Dharma's Bodyguard #6, Ade as Dharma's Bodyguard #7, Saat as Dharma's Bodyguard #8, Herry as Dharma's Bodyguard #9, Gondo as Dharma's Bodyguard #10, Stanlee Saklil as Nomura's Taxi Driver, Anggika as TV Host, Rika as Robert's wIfe, Salsabila as Robert's daughter, Ali Al Tway as Robert's driver, Andre Yosinda as Robert victim kid 1, Raka Alfianto as Robert victim kid 2, Benny as Hotel Waiter, Dafa as Kid with Camera