Reaptown (2020)
In this supernatural horror film, Carrie Baldwin is freed from prison under the conditions of a work-release program in Reaptown, Nevada. As she struggles to find her missing sister while working the night shift as a security guard for the Reaptown Railway Museum, Carrie soon finds herself in the presence of evil. Could the Railway hold the clues to her sister's mysterious disappearance?
Country: United States of America
Directors: Dutch Marich
Casts: Brooke Bradshaw as Carrie Baldwin, Dani Colleen as Trisha Baldwin, Chrissie Carpenter as Lauren Weltroth, Jared Chandus Cain as Warren Verne (voice), Hannah Landberg as Britney Phillips (voice), David Morales as Publisher, Daphne O'Neal as Donna Jackson (voice), Brittany Morgan Williams as Susan Vanga (voice)